Open Houses

Our brick-and-mortar offices are involved locally with open houses, hiring events, and Career Centers. Our Job Fairs take place in many different locations across the state of Tennessee and sometimes help put people to work the very same day they visit us.

These hiring events provide a more relaxed atmosphere for job seekers, and our employees can explain the positions available in detail while learning about your interests and skill set.

We Give Back 

Here at Metro, we have a heart for others. We enjoy giving back to our communities and helping impact them in a positive way. We do this by supporting missions, incentives, and charities. We also regularly reach out to food banks to assess their need.

Salvation Army 

Every year during Christmas, we look forward to teaming up with the Salvation Army. We collect donations for the needy as part of the Red Kettle Challenge.

Free Toys

During Christmastime, the Chattanooga staff purchases a big box of toys and distributes them to walk-in applicants to take home to their families.

Teen Challenge

Because we have a heart for those struggling with addiction, we volunteer with Teen Challenge, a Christian-based recovery center offering addiction help, recovery, and services to teens and their families.

Dyersburg State Community College

We partner with DSCC by helping our employees explore the possibilities of obtaining a GED. The community college offers a free program that is government funded, and we make sure these employees have all information pertinent to starting the GED process.

We have seen quite a few older adults achieve their goal of obtaining a GED and show there are no boundaries when it comes to age.

Local Food Drive 

Metro Services also participates in the local Food Drive in Dyersburg twice a year by serving as a collection point for food and helping distribute it to the underprivileged and elderly.

McIver's Grant Public Library

Every year, we volunteer at the library in Dyersburg for special activities, such as reading to children of different ages during the Summer Reading Program. We also try to help students right out of high school get on the right track when it comes to job hunting and interviewing by offering a class on resume building and interview presentation.

Nominated twice as a finalist in the Best of the Best People’s Choice Awards

Our commitment to our communities is unwavering and has been recognized in recent years within Chattanooga. For two years in a row, the Chattanooga Free Press has named Metro Industrial Services a finalist in the Best of the Best People’s Choice Awards. It is rewarding to see how far our efforts as a staffing agency extend throughout the community. We look forward to continuing our service to you.

After reading about how Metro Services is involved with our communities through job fairs, feeding the hungry, and helping adults pursue higher education, learn more about how we can help take the stress out of hiring through our Onboarding and Staffing services and make your company successful through Crisis Mitigation.