Most Clicks Per Job Post in 2023

At Metro Services, we take pride in acknowledging the outstanding efforts and performance of our employees.

Today, we recognize Kimberly Matlock, manager of Metro Service’s Ridgeland, Mississippi branch. Kim’s dedication and expertise have led to a significant achievement in our quest for excellence.

In a year where the recruitment landscape evolved dynamically, Kim Matlock stood out by receiving the most online clicks per job post in 2023. This success is not just a testament to Kim’s proficiency but also a reflection of her unwavering commitment to connecting the right talent with the right opportunities.

Through her keen understanding of our client’s needs, Kim has consistently curated job posts that not only attract attention but also resonate with our audience. In doing this, Kim has played a pivotal role in boosting our company’s recruitment success. Well Done, Kimberly Matlock! Keep up the great work!

If you are an employer looking to have a job posted, contact us today so we can help you get those job posting clicks.